
Archive for December, 2010

Tips on Hiring the Perfect VA for You


When you can’t tell your days from your nights because you’ve been working so hard all day, it’s time to consider hiring some help. Outsourcing is the answer to your prayers. Contracting a VA to assist with all your administrative duties with relieve your stress and give you more time to focus on your business.

Looking for the “Perfect VA for You” can be a daunting task but if you know exactly what you are looking for it will make it that much easier. There are many qualified VA’s out there who would be thrilled to work with you but they may not be the right one for “you”.

A few simple things you can do to find your perfect VA are… Read more…

How to Improve your Business in 2011

It’s the time of year for New Year’s Resolutions. Don’t make promises this year that you don’t intend to keep. Make a promise to yourself and your business that you will do things a bit differently this year. That you will do whatever necessary to succeed in your field. Make some changes in your business structure. Maybe add a new product or lower your overhead costs.

Years ago when the economy wasn’t in such despair, businesses and entrepreneurs could spend their resources on frivolous things. But the way it is now, money is better spent elsewhere. Think about how much is spent using in-house employees. 

How many employees are you currently paying to do the job that one VA could do?

This is an example of how much you could save using a Virtual Assistant Read more…

What is a Virtual Assistant?

Virtual Assistants offer a wide range of services to clients from all over the world. Most VAs have a background in administrative assistance but there are a number of VAs with experience in other areas also, such as, web design and marketing.

They take care of your everyday tasks freeing up your time and allowing you build your business. Being that VA’s usually work from their home office utilizing their own software and hardware, you don’t have to worry about expensive overhead such as, office space, office equipment, payroll taxes, employee benefits, sick days, etc. making them very cost effective. Read more…