
Posts Tagged ‘outsourcing’

Never Stop Learning

Yesterday I took a marketing class at the local college and even though I knew most of the information that was being taught, I still learned a few new secrets I can use to improve my business and offer my clients.

I have always been a “PASSIONATE LEARNER”. I am continually improving and enhancing my existing skill sets. I have attended a ton of skill-based webinars, conferences, coaching series and read many eBooks, newsletters and blogs to keep my skills sharp and my knowledge as current as can be! The key factor here is to NEVER stop learning and to invest time and money into regular Professional Development!

The more I learn, the more invaluable my services are to my clients. I find they appreciate the fact that you care about your profession and are passionate about your business to search for different ways to improve your skills and in turn offer them a higher quality of service. With your new found skills you then have more to offer your clients and can provide consultation sessions to find out what their goals are, in order to help them achieve them. I offer new clients a free 30 Minute Consultation before taking on their job to evaluate their needs and guide them in the right direction. You may schedule your FREE CONSULTATION HERE. Read more…

Tips To Improve Your Web Presence

There are many ways to improve your web presence, here are just a few I think are most important…

  1. Video– The best way to promote your site is through video blogging. It can be a major traffic driver to your site. Upload videos onto and post them onto your site. As always, link to all your social media accounts. In the video description be sure to place a link to your site. Instead of placing the link at the end, which is usually the way it’s done, place the link at the beginning of the description. This way they don’t have to click anything to see your link, it will be seen below the video as soon as the page has loaded.
  2. Blog – BLOG ALOT. Update your site regularly and link it to your social media accounts to get the word out. and Socialoomph are great tools to use to link your accounts.
  3. Engage – Post comments on other blogs (make sure comments are appropriate) and link the comment to your site/blog. Don’t just promote your site, build relationships. Keep the conversation going.
  4. Ideas – Run out of ideas to blog about? You can write about current events, client stories, community news, funny stories and sometimes even something a little personal (but no too personal). Remember Read more…